Вспомогательные программы Windows 2003

Список полезных вспомогательных программ идущих в поставке Windows server 2003. 1)

robocopy Программа для копирования файлов с расширенными функциями (некое подобие rsync). Например, для того, чтобы зеркально скопировать каталог со всеми файлами и их атрибутами:

robocopy c:\source d:\dest /mir /copyall /r:0

Adprep Prepares Windows 2000 domains and forests for an upgrade to Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition.

Bootcfg Configures, queries, or changes Boot.ini file settings.

Choice Prompts the user to make a choice in a batch program by displaying a prompt and pausing for the user to choose from a set of user-option keys.

Clip Redirects command output from the command line to the Clipboard.

Cmdkey Creates, lists, and deletes stored user names and passwords or credentials.

Defrag Locates and consolidates fragmented boot files, data files, and folders on local volumes.

DiskPart Manages disks, partitions, or volumes.

Driverquery Queries for a list of drivers and driver properties.

Dsadd Adds a computer, contact, group, organization unit, or user to a directory.

Dsget Displays selected attributes of a computer, contact, group, organizational unit, server or user in a directory.

Dsmod Modifies an existing user, computer, contact, group or organizational units in a directory.

Dsmove Moves any object from its current location in the directory to a new location, as long as the move can be accommodated within a single domain controller, and renames an object without moving it in the directory tree.

Dsquery Queries and finds a list of computers, groups, organizational units, servers, or users in the directory by using specified search criterion.

Dsrm Deletes an object of a specific type or any general object from the directory.

Eventcreate Enables an administrator to create a custom event in a specified event log.

Eventquery.vbs Lists the events and event properties from one or more event logs.

Eventtriggers Displays and configures event triggers on local or remote machines.

Expand Expands one or more compressed files.

Forfiles Selects files in a folder or tree for batch processing.

Freedisk Checks for available disk space before continuing with an installation process.

Fsutil Manages reparse points, managing sparse files, dismounting a volume, or extending a volume.

Getmac Obtains the media access control (MAC) address and list of network protocols.

Gettype Sets the system environment variable %ERRORLEVEL% to the value associated with the specified Windowsoperating system.

Gpresult Displays Group Policy settings and Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) for a user or a computer.

Helpctr Starts Help and Support Center.

Iisapp.vbs: IIS application query script Reports the process identifiers (PIDs) of currently running W3pwp.exe processes serving a particular application pool.

Iisback.vbs: IIS backup management script Creates and manages backup copies of the Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration (metabase and schema) of a remote or local computer.

Iiscnfg.vbs: IIS configuration script Imports and exports all or selected parts of the configuration of Internet Information Services (IIS) on a local or remote computer.

Iisext.vbs: IIS Web service extension script Configures and manages Web service extensions, applications, and individual files on servers running Windows Server 2003 with Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

Iisftp.vbs: IIS FTP site management script Creates, deletes, and lists FTP sites on servers that are running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. Also, starts, stops, pauses, and continues FTP sites.

IISFtpdr.vbs: IIS FTP directory script Creates and deletes virtual directories of FTP sites on servers that are running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

Iisvdir.vbs: IIS virtual directory script Creates and deletes virtual directories of Web sites on servers that are running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

Iisweb.vbs: IIS Web site management script Creates, deletes, and lists Web sites on servers that are running Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. Also, starts, stops, pauses, and continues the Web sites.

Inuse Replaces locked operating system files.

Logman Manages and schedules performance counter and event trace log collections on local and remote systems.

Nlb Replaces Wlbs.exe for managing and controlling network load balancing operations.

Nlbmgr Configures and manages Network Load Balancing clusters and all cluster hosts from a single computer.

Openfiles Queries, displays, or disconnects open files.

Pagefileconfig.vbs Displays and configures the paging file Virtual Memory settings of a system.

Perfmon Enables you to open a Performance console configured with settings files from Windows NT 4.0 version of Performance Monitor.

Prncnfg.vbs Configures or displays configuration information about a printer.

Prndrvr.vbs Adds, deletes, and lists printer drivers from local or remote print servers.

Prnjobs.vbs Pauses, resumes, cancels, and lists print jobs.

Prnmngr.vbs Adds, deletes, and lists printers or printer connections, in addition to setting and displaying the default printer.

Prnport.vbs Creates, deletes, and lists standard TCP/IP printer ports, in addition to displaying and changing port configuration.

Prnqctl.vbs Prints a test page, pauses or resumes a printer, and clears a printer queue.

Relog Extracts performance counters from performance counter logs into other formats, such as text-TSV (for tab-delimited text), text-CSV (for comma-delimited text), binary-BIN, or SQL.

Rss Enables Remote Storage, which is used for extending server disk space.

SC Retrieves and sets information about services. Tests and debugs service programs.

Schtasks Schedules commands and programs to run periodically or at a specific time. Adds and removes tasks from the schedule, starts and stops tasks on demand, and displays and changes scheduled tasks.

Setx Sets environment variables in the local or system environment, without requiring programming or scripting.

Shutdown Shuts down or restarts a local or remote computer.

Systeminfo Queries the system for basic system configuration information.

Takeown Allows an administrator to recover access to a file that previously was denied by making the administrator the owner of the file.

Taskkill Ends one or more tasks or processes.

Tasklist Displays a list of applications, services, and the Process ID (PID) currently running on either a local or a remote computer.

Timeout Pauses the command processor for the specified number of seconds.

Tracerpt Processes event trace logs or real-time data from instrumented event trace providers and allows you to generate trace analysis reports and comma-separated value files (.csv) for the events generated.

Tsecimp Imports assignment information from an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file into the TAPI server security file (Tsec.ini).

Typeperf Writes performance counter data to the command window or to a supported log file format.

Waitfor Synchronizes multiple computers across a network by using signals.

Where Locates and displays all files that match the given parameter.

Whoami Returns domain name, computer name, user name, group names, logon identifier, and privileges for the user who is currently logged on.

Wmic: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool Eases the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and systems managed through WMI.